FTP Programs

There are many FTP programs for accessing the FTP server. Basically one can distinguish between Commandline Clients (text based) and GUI Clients (surface based). Text oriented programs can often be found in UNIX environments or in the field of automated downloads. For daily work, a surfacebased program can be recommended as many working steps can be done faster and more comfortable.

Please, consider that most of the FTP programes exchange data unencoded. 


Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
18059 Rostock

Jörg Zerbe
Tel.: +49 381 498-5320

Stefan Dubiel
Tel.: +49 381 498-5329

Commandline Clients

... are generally delivered with every operation system and named "ftp", ftp.exe or similar

GUI Clients

  • CoreFTP
  • FireFTP
  • FileZilla
  • WinSCP

Additional clients are available at

Furthermore, a FTP transfer can be started with every common web browser. Still, only single files can be transported here. The direction of the transport is also limited, in general only downloads can be made.

Secure FTP Clients

SSHSecureShellClient the company  SSH Communication Security (GUI-Client)
PUTTY-SSH Client of Simon Tatham (Commandline-Client), the name of the FTP program is PSFTP